浴血黑帮 第二季[电影解说]
601BBC正式宣布续订《亚特兰蒂斯》(Atlantis)第二季, 与此同时,还确认续订《浴血黑帮》(Peaky Blinders)第二季,订数为6集。 -
故事发生在阳光和煦风景壮美的普吉岛,德(普提蓬·阿萨拉塔纳功 Billkin Putthipong Assaratanakul 饰)万万没有想到的是,自己竟然在这里和多年未曾联系的幼时好友欧儿(克里特·安努艾德奇康 Krit Amnuaydechkorn饰)重逢了,两人都打算考 当地的一所语言学
489What really brings a small community together? When everything is at stake and sides are being taken, what does it take to stand up against the majo -
621Alex是一位充满魅力的电视主持人,他主持的猎鬼节目《Gone Ghosting》相当成功且知名,但当他被揭发捏造超自然现象时,被成千上万的网友攻击。为了挽救他的形象,Alex和他的团队接受了最终挑战:在被遗弃已久且臭名昭彰的乌鸦城堡进行为期一周的实况转播。 -
470Where Olga discovers the unfinished diary of a known killer and becomes fascinated by its dark secrets. As she delves into its contents, she uncover