922Sous les dehors de la vie commune d'habitants d'un village de pêcheurs de la côte d’Opale, surgit la vie parallèle et épique de chevaliers d -
677When Dylan Wilson purchases a collection of seven paintings to hang in his wealthy estate, he has no idea what horrors he has unleashed for himself, h -
274近未来的某天,一场规模巨大的宇宙辐射风暴席卷地球。受辐射影响,地下场面的死尸纷纷复活,变成嗜血如命的恐怖僵尸。血雨腥风,地球顿成人间炼狱。经过许多年的抗争,人类渐渐占据主动,掌握摧毁、控制僵尸的办法。于是一家专营出售和租赁业务的僵尸公司应运而生。 威拉德镇,罗宾森一家终于成为最后一个拥有僵尸仆人的 -
177Set in 1990, a lonely bachelor named David (Brian Landis Folkins) searches for an escape from the day-to-day drudgery of caring for his aging mother (